Thursday 3 February 2011

A Glimpse Inside The Box.

 I'm new to all this so I thought I'd make this first post about me. I took my camera and decided to photograph some of the things around my room to help show people what kind of things I like. :)

This is my jewellery stand.

This is my chocolate stash, it is usually hidden so that my flatmates don't steal it. :)

These are my marker pens. 

This is Horace and Poe, some CDs and some DVDs.

This is my watch necklace and bedside mirror.

 This is the dinosaur which sits on top of my computer. :)

I will make the layout more personalised and will make a longer post when I get more used to doing the whole blog thing, but I just wanted to give you a very brief  introduction to me and my Box. :)
I decided as it is a new year, I am going by chinese new year, as my January was a bit hectic, I am going to try something new. I decided this blog would be my new thing. It will be filled with pictures and generally stuff which I think is interesting or kool. 

If you find anything interesting, or you just want to talk I don't bite. :)

Welcome to my Box,
Glitter Eater